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Rules for choosing an office chair

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Suppose you don’t know how to choose an office chair or Executive Home Chair. In that case, we advise you to carefully study experts’ recommendations before buying such an important piece of furniture, which Dream House will share today in this publication.

Scientists from Japan conducted an exciting experiment and compared how the comfort of the Best Office chair affects human productivity. At the same time, another group did the same work but only sat on ordinary chairs.

By the end of the day, it turned out that the result of the work of the participants in the experiment from the second group was less productive by about 30%. In addition, participants from the second group complained of feeling unwell and tired.

While working, a person should not feel discomfort and tension, so before buying a computer chair, regardless of whether you work at home or in an office chair, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

1. Softness and Shape of the Seat

Seats are soft, semi-soft, and hard. Soft seats are created using thick flooring and built-in springs. Semi-soft seats use less padding and often lack springs. In armchairs with hard seats, the flooring is not used at all. It is most comfortable to work in armchairs with soft or semi-soft seats.

2. Back Designs

The back of a good chair should be anatomical, that is, its shape should follow the contours of the back.

These additions help reduce stress on the cervical vertebrae and lower back. Also, consider whether the chair’s design can adjust the backrest’s angle.

3. When it comes to choosing an office chair

Our recommendation is choosing an office chair to opt for the best ergonomic office chair because of the support they offer the back, the best computer chair for long hours.

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